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Ebay Scam
Dear Dealer:
We are notifying our ecommerce customers of a current Ebay Scam that could potentially result in monetary loss to your company.
This is how the Scam works and what to watch for:
- Online seller establishes a retail site on Ebay and lists products. The seller intends to fill the Ebay orders by running a fraudulent scam.
- Ebay customers (buyers) without knowing, place an order on Ebay from the seller running the fraudulent scam. The Ebay order is processed, paid and the customer awaits receipt of product.
- The fraudulent Ebay seller places an order for the product on a legitimate online retail site and enters the Ebay buyer’s shipping address information for the “ship-to”. To pay for the order the fraudulent Ebay online seller uses an un-authorized or stolen credit card where at least the zip code would match.
- The order placed on the legitimate online seller’s website will have different billing and shipping information.
- The legitimate online retailer ships the order to the shipping address (the Ebay buyer address).
- The Ebay buyer receives the order, believing it was filled from Ebay seller and doesn't even realize they were part of a scam.
- Later, A chargeback from the un-authorized credit card transaction is processed by the Credit Card Company for the fraudulent or stolen card used to place the order. The legitimate dealer who shipped the order is out the money.
- The fraudulent Ebay seller retains 100% profit for the sale that was made on Ebay because the legitimate on-line seller filled the order for the merchandise.
- The fraudulent Ebay seller keeps the payment made to them from the Ebay buyer and maintains good standing with Ebay since the order was fulfilled.
Be aware, sometimes, the phone number on the order could be the person who is running the Ebay scam. So, when you call to verify the order, the customer agrees that they placed an order for the product. It is important when contacting the customer to verify that the order was placed directly on your website. It is also important to verify the payment method and credit card associated with the order. We strongly encourage you to verify all orders that have different shipping addresses. Another way to verify the order is to have the customer email you a screenshot of the pending charges on his/her credit card account.
We hope that helps!
As always, we appreciate your business and hope you have a great day!